Sunday, 30 October 2011


Whoooooooo! Yes, we love halloween, and have been really looking forward to this weekend. Firstly though, we went to see Melancholia on Friday - I found it very sad, and very beautiful, as I think I was supposed to, but think it could be 20 minutes shorter. And my goodness the Soho audience were a bag of grizzly warts!

So, back to the fun! Mr and I spent Saturday making Halloween costumes, me the spider, he the web. His web was made from an old blak t-shirt and some grey-pearly wool. First we made a star with the wool, by cutting slits in the t-shirt and knotting the wool underneath. Then, we tied the wool to the star in a spiral. And then tied on the fly!

I went all in black, leggings, shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt. And made legs by stuffing tights with balls of old newspaper, and then, tying them together, splitting the waist part and tying it around my shoulders/arms - make any sense? Maybe not, but it worked. And here are the snaps!


  1. awesome outfit! didn't get up to any Halloween antics - unless you count spending an excess of time in the creaky attic on Sunday!

  2. and check out this cool idea for Halloween costume -

    Suitable especially for you bird-hater Bel!
